A Forest in a Land filled with Trees
The Last of the Jigsaw Decks
And Ambitious Photo Essay with a Loose Data Aggregation Theme: Part One

When you spend time staring at all the small fiddly bits of a project – the individual trees – you can often lose sight of the bigger picture you’re building – the spooky woods, the deep forests and the vast, dense, jungles.

Looking up at the brances of an old tree

This is an old problem resulting from our only possessing two eyes and them being rooted in sockets located strictly on the front of our skulls. Luckily we have invented tools that allow us to see the forest as a whole; or at least get a decent impression of it.

View over treetops at Culbin in Nairnshire

So, what am I going on about? Continue reading

A Forest in a Land filled with Trees The Last of the Jigsaw Decks and And Ambitious Photo Essay with a Loose Data Aggregation Theme: Part One

Skate Teleportation: Only Built for Cuban Linx

Sometimes, when my cat jumps into a cardboard box I’ll quickly shut the lid and carefully carry the whole special package to another part of the house. I’ll set it down, open it up and he’ll pop his head up and look around at his new surroundings.
“You went in the teleportation module!” I’ll announce, grinning at my furry friend.
The cat will stare me down with his piercing feline eyes.
“You reckless bastard” his little cat expression says. “You did not take adequate clean room precautions!” he reprimands. “There could have been a fly in here and our DNA could have got all jumbled up together! What the hell were you thinking?”
He’s right. It is dangerous.
This is why the latest Following video is the best so far. Virtuoso sidewalk surfer and solid friend of the bird Kyle Leeper already knew about the perils of teleportation yet he forged ahead all the same.
Here’s how it came to be: I transported my life to Portland to wallow in the misery of a northwestern winter. My departure from Southern California of course left a gaping hole but instead of getting depressed about what was gone Kyle got sparked on all that remained; smart Kyle. Joe Pease and him blasted around the streets of San Diego fearlessly hyperlinking between spots with little regard for the inherent hazards. If the results of their efforts don’t make you want to skate then we can be of no further help to you. Good day.

Stereo Skateboards pro, Kyle Leeper, lives in Carlsbad, California, with his wife, his son, his fish, 2 dogs and another baby on the way. Below we discuss 7 profound topics including sponsorship deals, human reproduction, this video project and generally being stoked.
Kyle Leeper at Moonlight BEach with Gull in Flight

  1. When’s the 2nd child due?
    Due right around the same time date as my first son was born, late August.
    Damn! So you guys must get horny right around the same time of year.
    Yup, right around December I’m ready to go!
    Well, it gets cold.
    Yeah, these harsh Carlsbad winters get pretty gnarly.

Continue reading “Skate Teleportation: Only Built for Cuban Linx”

Following Tom

At some point during the summer of 2012 Div called me up.
“John!” He said.
“Will you film me and Tom [Remillard] fur AntiHero?”
“I can try.” I told him.
We met down at Washington Street to get a couple of clips and see where that led us but Div couldn’t make it. He’d thrown his back out troweling concrete for too many days straight. Ideally we’d have filmed a shitload of random skate clips and sent them to Deluxe where they’d have stirred them into something unmistakeably AntiHero but I get these ideas where I’m psyched on old Powell videos and…
Well, this is the first thing Tom and I did while we were waiting for Div to heal up. It was originally the techno bonus of a short called HITAROCK. Obviously it’s not all one line but if you’ve ever seen Tom skating WSVT you may be like me in thinking that this dream line is not that farfetched. We feel it does a decent job of showcasing the ferocious concrete contours of one of the best renegade park projects in the world.

Following Jake

Jake is from Eugene, Oregon.
He lives in Portland, Oregon.
He is the inventor of D3PO.
He’s down to rip in the streets whenever possible.
Jake worked on the Following video project with the shakier of 2 existing Predatory Bird camera operators (me).
Jake and this camera operator spent quite some time searching the streets for just the right bin. Many were rejected before we eventually found the one by the tramlines.

Jake would like to thank Krooked for flowing him the boards skated throughout.

What’s so good about The Smiths compared to Morrissey? Continue reading “Following Jake”


If you are ever a pro skater in your 30s, from Aberdeen, Scotland, in the year 2012 then the chances are you’ll find yourself standing in Antisocial Skateshop with a bag of tees your friend has designed for your small-ass, home-grown, aggressive-gull-themed brand. Luckily your friend is none other than the prolific, A1, prime-cut British comic book artist Jon Horner and together over email and sci-fi-style video chat you’ve been developing a laughter plot to take the street wear market by storm!

What is it?
It’s street wear!

Which is clothing to wear…in the street.

Check it out. Continue reading “ANTISOCIAL SKATEBOARD SHOP attacked by PREDATORY BIRD!!!”