Behind the Artist Reel

Rather than write the usual esoteric crap I have decided to get a load of photos that Jon from Elwood Clothing shot when we were in Scotland filming the little promo clip that they called the Artist Reel series. These were little video projects designed to Continue reading “Behind the Artist Reel”

The Guernica experience

The Basque country. We had a video camera but no specified filmer. With a point and shoot on sports setting we managed to capture this moment. Dominic just a fraction post-peak at Algorta. 6 years had passed since the twin towers fell. Continue reading “The Guernica experience”

The ramp in the park

Aberdeen is on the North East coast of Scotland. The harbour there, at the mouth of the river Dee, has been in commercial use since 1136 according to records, but the Dee estuary was probably utilised as a port for many moons preceding that. For a long time Aberdeen’s economy was centered around fishing, textiles, shipbuilding and paper making. These were over-shadowed in the 1970s by the discovery of large deposits of crude oil just off the coast in the relatively shallow waters of the North Sea. I have a feeling that this discovery catalysed some sort of civic mutation. Continue reading “The ramp in the park”